

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November Already?

Well we have been in school for approximately 3 1/2 months already and I am finally posting something about it :)  To sum everything up it's been busy, fun, stressful, hectic, frustrating, overwhelming and rewarding.  This summary explains the life of teaching a mixed classroom of students that range in reading, math, and writing abilities from levels 4-7.

Yes, I am a 5th/6th grade classroom teacher but, our school runs on a leveled system.  Students do not pass a level until they have met all the standards and proved proficiency by passing a level test.  In my math class alone I have 4 different groups to teach!! that means trying to prepare for 4 different lesson plans each day! whew!

I have been enjoying my classroom teaching.  I never thought I would be a regular classroom teacher.  My plans in college and after were to be a Physical Education teacher.  I get to teach Physical Education twice a week during our "specials" class.  I get the chance to work 1st-6th grade, on a rotating schedule.  I really enjoy giving the students an idea of a structured Physical Education class here, something they are not use to.

With December approaching it means I will start basketball season soon.  Unfortunately the team lost most of its players to some Charter schools elsewhere in the state.  So it will be a fresh start with a mostly new team this year and I am up for the challenge :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

River Breakup in Aniak, Alaska

The river finally broke yesterday May 26, a day later than my prediction, and I believe the latest date on record. Huge ice chunks rushed up 50 ft in a matter of 10 seconds! It was a beautiful sunny warm day. Todd and I spent the day watching the river with some friends and playing some yard games. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We finished a two day Workshop on the Common Core Standards.  Whew....we looked at our curriculum and we looked at what fits best.  It was labor intensive but, overall a huge success for the Kuspuk School District.  We have some wonderful teachers here across the District, it is truly incredible to be able to "work" with them all. :)  Tons of work still ahead of us, but we have a good idea to work towards for the summer....  I am especially proud of my own AMNES staff for representing and speaking towards the "good off all students", THANK YOU!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Common Core

Our District has adopted the Common Core.  We meet tomorrow to discuss the changes in our district.

School ends for the Summer!

Ironically with school coming to a close on Friday May 17, 2013 I will now have enough time to create a blog about teaching in a small village located on the banks of the Kuskowim River.  Aniak, Alaska has about 500 people.  Our Elementary School, Auntie Mary Nicoli Elementary School, consists of 70 students and our Aniak Junior Senior High School has about 60 students.