

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November Already?

Well we have been in school for approximately 3 1/2 months already and I am finally posting something about it :)  To sum everything up it's been busy, fun, stressful, hectic, frustrating, overwhelming and rewarding.  This summary explains the life of teaching a mixed classroom of students that range in reading, math, and writing abilities from levels 4-7.

Yes, I am a 5th/6th grade classroom teacher but, our school runs on a leveled system.  Students do not pass a level until they have met all the standards and proved proficiency by passing a level test.  In my math class alone I have 4 different groups to teach!! that means trying to prepare for 4 different lesson plans each day! whew!

I have been enjoying my classroom teaching.  I never thought I would be a regular classroom teacher.  My plans in college and after were to be a Physical Education teacher.  I get to teach Physical Education twice a week during our "specials" class.  I get the chance to work 1st-6th grade, on a rotating schedule.  I really enjoy giving the students an idea of a structured Physical Education class here, something they are not use to.

With December approaching it means I will start basketball season soon.  Unfortunately the team lost most of its players to some Charter schools elsewhere in the state.  So it will be a fresh start with a mostly new team this year and I am up for the challenge :)